Postdoctoral position in the Soukas lab, MGH/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Functional Genomics of Aging, Obesity, and Diabetes.
We are always looking for talented postdoctoral scholars. Postdoctoral fellows interested in working in the Soukas lab in Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA can obtain state-of-the-art-training in genetics, functional genomics, metabolism, and aging. The Soukas lab, located in the ultramodern Simches Research Building on the main MGH campus in downtown Boston (http://www.soukas.org), studies the mechanistic genetics of aging and aging associated diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer using vertebrate and invertebrate genetics, physiology, and metabolism.
Qualified postdoctoral fellows will conduct systems level genetic and genomic experiments using vertebrate and invertebrate systems (mouse, human, and C. elegans) to identify and analyze genes required for aging, health, and disease. This is a unique opportunity to leverage the strength of invertebrate genetics with the medical relevance of mammalian genetics to make discoveries that are important for human health and metabolic diseases. The lab employs a multidisciplinary approach using genomics, genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and cell biology.
We are seeking highly motivated individuals with a doctorate degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, or related sciences. Prior lab experience in genetics, genomics, biochemistry, or metabolism is preferred. Experience with murine or C. elegans genetics and metabolism is not required, but is a plus. Skills in bioinformatics are highly valued. The fellow will conduct independent scientific experiments designed in conjunction with Dr. Soukas and will present at lab meetings and at local, national, and international scientific conferences. It is important that the candidate possess an eagerness to learn new scientific ideas and methods.
Interested applicants should submit their CV and references to soukaslab@gmail.com